
有来自80多个国家的900多名国际学生, MG线上电子游戏培养了一个富有的人, 支持你的学术之旅的全球社区. Apply to graduate 项目 at DU to join our international scholars 和 achieve your professional goals.


International applicants 应用ing to DU must meet the following criteria for consideration for admission:

  • 完成 新MG线上电子游戏在线申请
  • Hold a baccalaureate degree (applicants must submit at least one transcript from all postsecondary institutions).
  • GPA不低于2分.学士学位5个或3个.所有完成的研究生课程0分.
  • Submit transcripts (DU requires a nonrefundable fee of $50 for third-party international credential evaluation).
  • 提供学位证明(学位证书或文凭).
  • 获得通过托福,雅思,CI高级,或多邻国成绩.
    • 英语水平分数可能会根据你选择的课程而有所不同. DU建议您检查您的 程序的需求
  • 提交财务证明表格.



Due to the varying wait times of the transcript 和 international degree evaluation process, DU encourages international applicants to submit application materials in a timely fashion. 在优先截止日期前申请杜里大学可以帮助申请人更快地获得录取, 让他们有足够的时间为搬迁到美国做准备.S.

  • 申请秋季MG线上电子游戏的新生: 1月15日
  • 申请冬季、春季或夏季MG线上电子游戏的新生: 没有优先截止日期-尽快申请
  • 学生:返回 3月15日 
  • 成绩单

    成绩单 from institutions outside of the United States may be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to identify U.S. 同等学历. Certified English translations must accompany all transcripts except for those provided by institutions that issue documents in English.

    The transcript review process can take two to three weeks after your completed application is received. Be sure to complete your application ahead of time so that your transcripts can be evaluated before your program deadline.

  • 学位证明

    Applicants who have earned a degree outside of the United States must submit proof of graduation, 通常通过学位证书或文凭.  Certified English translations must accompany all proof of degree documents except for those provided by institutions that issue documents in English. If your international transcript includes the full name of your degree 和 the date (month 和 year, 至少)它被授予了, 不需要单独的学位证明文件.

    在美国以外接受教育的申请人.S. are encouraged to contact the Office of Graduate Education or the appropriate admission office for assistance regarding transcript-related materials.

  • 国际学位评估费

    成绩单 和 proof of degree documents for postsecondary degrees earned or in-progress from institutions outside of the United States will be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to assess U.S. 教育系统等效性.  从2023年7月开始,费用为50美元,不可退还.在处理申请前,须缴付此项服务的费用00元.

  • 语言要求

    如果英语不是你的母语, 你必须提交官方考试成绩来证明你的英语水平. 


    • 英语作为外语考试(托福) 
      • 最低成绩:80分(新托福)
      • 托福机构代码:4842
    • 国际英语语言测试系统(雅思考试)
      • 最低分数:6分.5
    • 剑桥英语:高级C1
      • 最低分数:176分
    • 多邻国英语测试

    在托福考试之前,你的申请不会被认为是完整的, 雅思考试, 收到CAE或Duolingo分数. 成绩有效期为两年.

    有些课程可能要求比上面列出的分数更高的最低录取分数. 请浏览 项目要求 或者联系你感兴趣的学术项目获取具体信息.

  • 英语语文豁免

    Students are generally exempt from the English language proficiency test requirement if they have any of the following:

    • 以英语为教学语言的学校的中学或高中文凭.
    • Have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher from a formally-recognized/accredited university where the institution's sole language of instruction 和 examination is English.
    • Last 30 semester credits (45 quarter credits) of coursework were successfully completed with a 3.0 GPA or better from a formally-recognized/accredited university where the institution's sole language of instruction 和 examination is English.


    提交成绩单或其他证明文件与您的申请材料. 请 MG线上电子游戏 如果您对您的豁免资格有任何疑问.

  • 研究生助教奖学金

    As our graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) deliver lectures 和 communicate often with students, 你需要表现出流利的英语口语才能成为GTA.

    • 托福口语部分最低分数:26分(iBT)
    • 雅思口语部分最低分数:8分
    • CAE口语部分最低分数:200分

    多邻国成绩不符合 侠盗猎车手资格 对非英语母语者的要求.

    Prospective GTAs may be exempted from submitting TOEFL/雅思考试/CAE scores if they have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher from a formally-recognized/accredited university where the institution's sole language of instruction 和 examination is English 和, 除了, have four or more consecutive years of work/instructional experience in countries with an official native language of English 和 the language of employment/instruction is English.

    请注意: GTA awards may be revoked or restricted to non-teaching assistantship responsibilities at the discretion of the division if the GTA does not demonstrate sufficient English fluency in the classroom.

  • 护照

    在收到录取通知之前,我们鼓励非美国学生申请MG线上电子游戏.S. citizens to upload or submit a copy of the photograph 和 legal name page of your passport. 如果没有护照,我们无法签发I-20或DS-2019.

  • 财务证明表格

    我们要求所有的国际学生提交一份财务证明表格. You will need to submit this form along with a bank statement or certificate of deposit showing sufficient liquid funds for your estimated cost of attendance.

    You are required to submit these forms 和 statements in order to be provided with an I-20. MG线上电子游戏时,系统会提示您提交这些信息.

  • 公共服务系统补充表格

    You need to submit your Student 和 Exchange 访问or Information System (SEVIS) Supplement Form. 我们使用此表格来验证您的信息,以便您的I-20或DS-2019是准确的. 如果没有SEVIS补充表,我们无法签发您的I-20或DS-2019.







一旦你被你选择的课程录取, you must take several steps to successfully immigrate to the United States 和 enroll in our university.


1-20 & DS-2019

I-20是非移民学生身份资格证明. DS-2019是“交流访问者(J-1)身份资格证书”。. 美国移民局要求填写I-20或DS-2019.S. 作为签证申请的一部分.

We can only issue an I-20 or DS-2019 once you have been admitted 和 submitted all necessary paperwork. You will also need to show you have sufficient funds for your degree program to receive an I-20 or DS-2019. You can speed up this process by submitting your financial verification form with your application.



你需要采取几个步骤来移民到美国.S. 入院后. You can speed up this process by submitting your financial verification form 和 公共服务系统补充表格 with your application.


  • 收到你的I-20或DS-2019
  • 支付SEVIS费用
  • 安排你的签证面谈
  • 进入美国.S. 持有J-1或F-1身份


留学生办公室 & 学者服务

如果您对签证有任何疑问, 住房或就业, 我们的国际学生办公室 & 学者服务(ISSS)可以提供信息和支持.

  • 维持签证
  • 你的健康
  • 我们大学的生活

